Manufacture and sale of furniture in Azerbaijan



Baku, Yasamal district,
Inshaatchilar ave. 6

Monday - Friday

10:00 - 18:00


Elmlar Akademiyasi

About the company

“ELEGANT STYLE” LLC is the company that has been involved in Azerbaijan furniture manufacture since 1999. Our purpose (goal) is to realize the projects that reflects our customers, their tastes and design of the future. While working on the projects, our company has drawn a lot of local and foreign (goods)senders and contractors. We want also to note that among our customers, relying on the skilled employees of the “ELEGANT STYLE” LTD, we can see many advanced (progressive) companies of Azerbaijan: “Bank Standard”, “Finca Azerbaijan”, “Azerigazbank”, “GTZ”, “Credagro”, “Nurgun Holding”, “Kapitel”, “PashaBank”, “PashaInshaat”, “Azerbaijan Industrial Bank”, “Compass”, “Azersun” Holding, “Azercell”, “Geoglobe”, Mingachevir coach station, “TTE Petrofak”, “Sanofi Aventis”, “Azerinshaatservis”, “PashaSigorta”, “Ericson AB”, “UstayYapi”, “Zgan Holding”, “The Modern Education and Training Help Center IB”, “SilkWayBank”, “Royal Bank”, “Azerfon” LTD, “The Council of the Danish refugees”, “The Botanical Institute of the National Sciences Academy”, “UNDP”, “Bank of Azerbaijan”, “Azerbaijan International Bank”, “Rusneft”, “AIKON”, “CDC”, “Azfen”, “TexnikaBank”, “Tekfen”, “Minister of Culture and Tourism”, “Arcelor”, “Medeks”, “McDonalds”, “Bank of Baku”, “Rapid Solution”, “Bismak”, “Crocus”, “Aztex”, “Information Science Institute”, “ACE Forwarding Caspian”, “Izomed” MMC, “SGS Azeri” LTD, “UNODS” (Representative of the UNO in Azerbaijan), “AAS – Ekol” MMC, USA Humanitar IREX (Beynəlxalq Tədqiqatlar və Mübadilələr Şurası), AFB Bank, Altes Group, American Council (For International Education ACTRA * ACCELS), Arcelormittal International Louxemburg, ARDNS, DİN Mühafizə İdarəsi, Coophimmelblau Wolf D. Prix/W Dreibholz und Partner GmbH (Avstriya), “Mozaik” MMC, “Rapid Solutions”, RabitaBank (Narimanov branch), “Sanofi Aventis Group” (Representative in Azerbaijan), Skopus Inciniring, “Strabag” Azerbaijan, Unileasing Leasing Company, “VEUS” Holding, Deka Bank, Flag Square, Altes Palace, NBC Bank, Park Boulevard Cinema Club, “Chudo Pechka”, Oncology Hospital, “STRABAG” Azerbaijan, “M Studio”, UNICEF, SOCAR, School № 6, Bakinity Information Technologies, “Mazarina Group of Companies”, MIA Internal Forces, “AVROMED”.
